First Armenian Church Re-opening Guidelines and Procedures 

New guidelines as of May 30, 2021

Due to improving conditions in the state of MA guidelines, the RSVP is no longer required! Hope to see you in church Sunday!

COVID 19 Precautions

• All attendees must wear face coverings or masks while entering, exiting, and participating in the service unless they are unable due to a medical condition.

• Attendees under age 5 may wear masks at their parents' discretion.

• You may sit with members of your immediate household. All others must sit 6 feet apart with no more than 2 unrelated parties per pew.

• Please stand during the Hayr Mer. You may stand during the hymns and sing behind your mask.

• The collection plates are located on a table at the back of the sanctuary. Thank you for your support.

• At the end of the service, ushers will release rows from the back of the sanctuary first. Please remain seated until your row is called and exit through the side aisles.

• Please do not congregate in the sanctuary or narthex.

• We have asked Badveli Youmshakian to greet us at the front doors.

• The coffee hour will be in the parking lot. If you would like to greet each other, please do so in the parking lot at a social distance.

• Please take this program with you and dispose of it as you leave.

• In the coming weeks, if you or a member of your family is ill or has been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID 19, please worship from home.

Thank you.