Sunday School
Here at the First Armenian Church, the children and their families are a top priority. Since its early beginnings, this congregation has been committed to educating our children on the importance of living by the Scriptures.
Our program runs from Nursery to Grade Eleven and Confirmation. We use the David C Cook curriculum, a Bible-based curriculum that helps our children relate to life and everyday challenges. We teach the children that the Bible is timeless, and they can always turn to chapter and verse for guidance and comfort.
Our teachers are dedicated professionals in the field of Education and Christian Education. Our goal is to plant the seeds of Christianity in our students, develop the foundation of faith, encourage the children to serve their brothers and sisters in Christ and honor their Armenian Christian heritage.
Children worship with their families in the Sanctuary and receive the Children's Message from the Pastor. Then, the children are dismissed to their own Chapel and Music Program, followed by grade-level classes. Our newly renovated nursery offers a bright and cheerful place for infants and toddlers to play (with supervision by a parent), a comfortable setting for new mothers to nurse infants, all while the church service is televised on a screen in the nursery for a parent(s) to watch and hear the sermon.
We work throughout the year on mission projects both here and abroad. We also have numerous children's programs during the year that involve our families and congregation.
We welcome all families and friends to join us every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. during the school year. With great joy, we look forward to serving the Lord together with love.
If you would like to contact us, please email us at
Our Sunday School Teachers!